Your Life's Work,
Powered By Our Life's Work

JKW Software offers professional custom software development. We leverage our many years of experience as entrepreneurs in multiple industries and software development expertise to provide powerful custom solutions for businesses who are serious about improving their business.

Programmer working with software

Serious Software, Simple Company

JKW Sofware prides itself in its ability to develop powerful business tools that are simple to use. We have invested heavily in determining exactly what a business needs to operate at peak efficiency. We are constantly evolving our existing tools to meet the fast-changing needs of your business. 

Professional Business Platform with Complete Features

We can efficiently develop most any software you can dream up. We specialize in the following:

Client and Lead Tracking

We provide you with the tools to track your leads and turn them into clients. After they are clients, our tools provide complete views of the client

Advanced Reporting

Our reporting engines provide you with the data crucial to the operation of your business when and where you need it.

Document Storage and Archival

Our platforms allow you to store and then retrieve any document for use throughout your team

Process Management

We provide you with the mechanism to define a job process template, implement the process and then track the process through to completion.

Delivering Business Solutions

Our state-of-the-art tools assist businesses like yours with everything necessary to evaluate the business a make crucial data driven decision in an efficient manner by:

  • Process management
  • Provide ability to perform data driven analysis
  • Stay connected and on top of clients’ needs
  • Collaborate effectively with your team
Programmer working with software
Discussing new software

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We are here to answer your questions 24/7