SaaS vs Custom Software. Which is right for you?

IT specialist developing software at office

SaaS (Software as a Service):

  • Advantages:
    • Faster deployment.
    • Lower costs associated with product upgrades.
    • Modular offerings based on your needs, usage or company size are available with some, not all, SaaS products.
    • Efforts and budgets associated with SaaS product upgrades are lower, as providers grow continuously based on “community intelligence.”
    • The product or service goes through constant improvement based on feedback and suggestions from multiple users that might have faced the same problem as you.
    • SaaS acquisition is financially more productive, as the cost belongs to the OpEx category (short-term costs).
  • Disadvantages:
    • You must build your process around the software instead of building the software from your processes
    • The service is “one size fits all” and cannot easily grow with your company and your processes
    • Most large companies don’t trust SaaS providers with their security keys and prefer to hold them on-premises.
    • There is little customization available.

Custom Built Software:

  • Advantages:
    • The software is tailored to your specific needs.
    • Customization is on-point.
    • The software can easily grow with your business’s needs
  • Disadvantages:
    • Higher costs associated with product upgrades.
    • Longer deployment time.
    • Higher costs associated with development.