Why is Business Intelligence Important and How do I Implement It

Business team working in an office booth, close up

In this article we will be discussing Why is business intelligence important and how do I implement it?


The Importance of Business Intelligence for Businesses

Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process that leverages software and services to turn data into actionable insights. It helps organizations become data-driven enterprises, improve performance, and gain a competitive advantage. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of businesses using business intelligence. 


  • BI catalyzes rapid decisions: The term “data-driven decision-making” doesn’t fully encapsulate one of its important subtexts: People almost always mean fast decisions. With BI, businesses can make rapid decisions based on real-time data.
  • Hello, big data: BI wrangles copious data sets into usable form. It helps businesses collect, analyze, and interpret data in new ways. Trends like adaptive artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics help companies make decisions and manage risk.
  • BI offers industry-specific use cases and benefits: BI can be tailored to specific industries to provide unique insights and benefits.
  • BI is evolving for the cognitive and AI age: BI is constantly evolving to keep up with the latest technological advancements, such as cognitive computing and AI.
  • Improve ROI: By understanding the business and intelligently allocating resources to meet strategic objectives, businesses can improve their return on investment.
  • Ask questions in plain language: Business intelligence gives organizations the ability to ask questions in plain language and get answers they can understand. Instead of using best guesses, they can base decisions on what their business data is telling them — whether it relates to production, supply chain, customers or market trends.
In conclusion, business intelligence is an essential tool for businesses to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced market. It provides valuable insights that contribute to improved decision-making and helps businesses achieve their strategic objectives. By implementing BI tools, businesses can become more data-driven and make informed decisions that drive growth and success.

How to Implement Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process that leverages software and services to turn data into actionable insights. It helps organizations become data-driven enterprises, improve performance, and gain a competitive advantage. Here are some steps you can follow to implement BI in your business:

  • Analyze the current state of the company’s data: Before implementing BI, it’s important to understand the current state of your company’s data.
  • Gather a team of subject matter experts: Assemble a team of experts who understand your business and its data needs.
  • Create a strategy and a business intelligence implementation plan: Develop a strategy and plan for implementing BI in your business.
  • Identify important KPIs: Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are most important for your business1.
  • Educate staff and stakeholders: Make sure that everyone involved in the implementation process understands the benefits of BI and how it will be used.
  • Choose a software and set up BI infrastructure: Select a BI software that meets your needs and set up the necessary infrastructure to support it1.
  • Roll out pilot project and adjust system based on the results: Start with a pilot project to test the BI system and make any necessary adjustments based on the results.
By following these steps, you can successfully implement BI in your business and start reaping the benefits of data-driven decision-making.

JKW Software can help you in all phases of understanding and implementing BI into your organization contact us if you would like to discuss your needs (here)